Finally! Saturday is here again. I just couldn’t wait to speak to you guys again because I have so much to say.
Anyway…hope you had a good week.

Told y’all we going to get dirty right? We will get right into it.

Today, I want us to talk about a subject that is the bedrock of all matters discussed on this page.

NB: I am a Christian so I am going to do a lot of quotes from the Bible because actually you can’t do anything without God.The word was God, so, just so you know, it’s scripture day, everyday.

Ellis Amponsah is an angel sent from heaven. At least I know that now. I wish I knew that when we were friends back then. We met in senior high school in 2011 and this angel tried everything to show me love. From buying me gifts to taking care of me when I was sick.

She did everything a friend would do and more. It was just overwhelming I became paranoid about it and concluded she must be a witch (I know, So lame right? lol) , because I couldn’t fathom why someone would be so eager to be a friend even when she was not needed nor welcomed. “She is out to destroy me”, I concluded, so I hardened my heart.

Fast forward to 2014 she gave up and I thanked God He had taken her away. I also concluded she wasn’t genuine after all because she left (Just as I expected).
Looking back, I realize I did not push her away because I did not like her but because I was scared. Scared of rejection, scared of losing her, scared of she being just another human set out to hurt me just like previous friends had.
In my bid to protect my heart, I lost a gift from God.
She comes back to mind when I think of how I struggled in other places to find love and acceptance. I think of how healing could have been so easy if I had just accepted her and the love she had to offer.


“You may not be perfect when measuring yourself by unattainable standards. But you are always perfectly lovable. Let go of this ideal of perfect. Accept yourself as you are. Allow yourself to love yourself as you are.-”
― Akiroq Brost


I know you have been hurt countless number of times and you just can’t bring yourself to trust anyone again and probably don’t believe in love but please trust me when I say, love is all we need. Love is all you need, let yourself be loved.

Healing stems out of love and in as much as you are hurt and have been let down by people, denying yourself love will only mean stopping yourself from getting healed.

[[Rev 3:20]] BBE See, I am waiting at the door and giving the sign; if my voice comes to any man’s ears and he makes the door open, I will come in to him, and will take food with him and he with me.

God is love and all he wants to do in your life is to love you like no one can but there is a condition. He is extending His love to you today but you need to see the signs, hear his voice and open up to him.
People are genuinely ready to show you love to the best of their ability. God also works through people. That friend at work, your Pastor, your mom, the guy crushing on you (lol), your sister, etc. Love is everywhere, You must be ready to accept it.

Refuse to let past experiences with toxic people steal your joy. You deserve every happiness the universe has to offer. You deserve all the love you can get. Knowing you are loved helps in enormous ways to deal with issues we go through everyday and makes life a little bearable. Please don’t shut it out. Welcome it, embrace it and allow life to become beautiful.

With love,


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  1. iAmDan

    God is love…love is all we need ? such soothing words, Afiya. More grace to stay on the path.

    1. Afiya

      Thank you dear and amen…..

  2. Gloria Gyamfi

    Great Afiya. God bless you

    1. Afiya

      God bless you dear. Thanks for reading

    2. Afiya

      Amen. Thanks for reading dear

  3. Chris

    Great one der gurl.
    Love it!

    1. Afiya

      Thanks for reading.

  4. Felix

    Love is just beautiful

    1. Afiya

      It really is…. It is.

    1. Afiya

      Bless you too sis. Thanks for reading.

      1. Afiya

        Thanks for reading too Ben.

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