Whenever you feel like giving up, don't. Because there is a God. A God who is saying, be strong and courageous.
A journey of faith, of loving God and of he loving relentlessly on us.
Whenever you feel like giving up, don't. Because there is a God. A God who is saying, be strong and courageous.
The woman asked Preston, ”Why do I have to be called a sinner and why do you have to tell me I was born in sin?” ”Why do you have…
When God calls you, he prepares you for an appointed time. There would come a day when you can not run when everyone else is running. A time when you…
That evening we had returned from midweek service and set the party we had planned in motion. We prayed, sang and played music. The normal Afiya would have asked for…
Once again, I saw the man pace in the corridor of the operation room. I hesitated in passing infront of him because I knew he would rush to my side…
You are not alone. It wasn’t so lonely anymore. I had Jo. She spoke my language and she understood me. She was there and had just the right words to…